California DUI Attorney, Matthew Ruff ☎️ Call Toll Free 1-877-212-2090
California DUI Attorney, Matthew Ruff ☎️ Call Toll Free 1-877-212-2090
If you are facing a charge for driving under the influence in Kern County there are two things you need to know right now. First, the DMV must be contacted immediately in order to save your driving privileges. California law dictates that a person’s license is to be suspended upon arrest for anyone charged with VC23152. In order to stop this suspension a hearing must be demanded within 10 calendar days. Second, a DWI is not like a traffic ticket, you won’t get a courtesy notice in the mail, your Court date is the date you agreed to appear on the citation or release document.
If the arrest took place in California City the Court would be Mojave Superior Court in eastern Kern County. Also, a detention that occurs at the gate of Edwards Air Force Base also gets sent to the same Court for hearing.
Call Matt Direct on his cell at 661-327-7833
Top Rated Kern County DUI Lawyer Matt Ruff has 25 years experience fighting breath and blood tests for clients. For example, in one recent case Matt won a DMV hearing by challenging a blood test because the rules weren’t followed. The DMV returned his client’s license even though the blood test results were .25.
In another recent case Matt was hired by a client who was arrested by the CHP on Interstate 58 after he was observed weaving and holding a bottle of alcohol out of the driver side window. The client took several FST tests and allegedly failed, he was then given a breath test that revealed a .11 BAC. The attorney went to Court in Mojave and got the DUI charges dismissed after a discussion with the local DA.
Is it Worth Hiring a DUI Lawyer in California? It depends, how important is your driving license? How important is it to maintain a clean criminal record? If these things are not that important then the answer is probably no. However, if you are like most folks you need your drivers license and you need to be able to get a good job which requires a clean record, therefore the answer is probably yes.
How can a DUI Attorney in California City Help Me? First, we need to STOP the APS suspension that was set in place at the time of your arrest (look at the pink paper you received). Matthew can keep you driving and get the police reports in order to determine what evidence the government will use against you. Second, we speak to the District Attorney about your case to get charges dropped or reduced depending on the issues and defenses in your case.
If you were pulled over near California City and charged with drunk driving call Matt to discuss your important Constitutional Rights and legal defenses that may exist in your case.
California City DUI Attorney
Top DMV Hearing Attorney, Matthew Ruff